Survivorship Planning 101

Over the past month I’ve had several clients inquire about claiming options and strategies as it relates to survivorship benefits. Case #1 Mary age 60 recent widow, her PIA (check at Full Retirement age) is $2,000 and her deceased husbands PIA was $3,000.  The folks at SSA recommended that she claim Survivorship benefits at age 60.  This issue has come up numerous times over the past several years and is so wrong in so many ways!  By claiming survivorship benefits now Mary will be subjected Continue reading →

WISH 4 Income – WISH 4 Purpose

Over the past several months I’ve written about using other sources of income to create an income bridge, in order to delay claiming Social Security (The S – Social Security Wealth) until age 70 thus earning 8% annual delayed credits.  We’ve discussed taking money from (The I – Investment Wealth) qualified plans while taxes are low, markets are high and interest rates are non-existent.  Last month we discussed using a HECM (The H – Home Wealth) or Reverse Mortgage.  Using the Reverse Mortgage to create Continue reading →

Why do you rob banks?

“Because that is where the money is”  Willie Sutton 1976 his book Where the Money Was Over the many months I’ve written this newsletter we’ve discussed the value of delaying Social Security until age 70.  We’ve discussed drawing down on Qualified Plan assets and creating a bridge between quitting one’s job and claiming Social Security, I’ve also mentioned Phased Retirement or working longer as a means of postponing Social Security claiming.  But the elephant in the room for the vast majority of American’s is the Continue reading →

Bridge Building

Last month a CPA from Austin wrote and asked me to comment on creating income alternatives when a client decides to postpone claiming Social Security benefits until age 70.  I most always recommend that the higher earning spouse should delay claiming benefits until age 70!  The reason is twofold;  #1  I want to capture the delayed credits of 8% per year between ages 66 – 70 (thus increasing benefits by 32%) and  #2  Upon the death of either the spouse the surviving spouse inherits the Continue reading →

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World

This comedy came out in 1963 and got rave reviews, I think we could have a 2021 sequel!  This morning I read an article on DOGECOIN INSANITY.  Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that was started as a JOKE last year and was priced at a fraction of a penny, today it is priced at $.59  and is up 7000% in the past year.  It’s market capitalization of over $ 77 Billion which is more than Federal Express, Ford Motor and most all other companies.  How can Continue reading →

Measure Twice – Saw Once

When making a decision that one might have to live with for 30 years or longer and at a cost that might exceed $500,000 it might make sense to explore all the options and consequences of that decision before actually pulling the trigger!  But is amazes me on a weekly basis how many American’s make a decision on when and how to claim Social Security without understanding the long-term consequences of that decision! Many individuals make the decision based upon the ability to claim ASAP Continue reading →

Marriage and Social Security

  There is an old saying “when it rains, it pours” I’m not knocking rain we are in dire need of several inches or more.  However, 3 times in the last 2 weeks different issues regarding marriage and Social Security benefits have arisen that merit this month’s newsletter. Case #1 What is a Common Law Marriage and how does it affect Social Security Benefits Last week I was referred to a woman who lost your Common Law husband and wanted to determine if she qualified Continue reading →

Rush Limbaugh & Uncertainty

Last week besides the historic cold front that we experienced, Rush Limbaugh passed away at 70 & 1 month.  Had he delayed claiming Social Security until age 70, he wouldn’t even have collected 1 check before passing away!  One might surmise that he should have claimed as early as possible which would have been 66 since he continued working up until his death.  As I’ve always say “if you tell me your check out date, I’ll tell you when to file for benefits.”  Now since Continue reading →

The Retirement Income Puzzle 2018

January 2018 I had an old boss that once told me “every presentation you make, you should be able to do on a bar napkin and if you can’t, you should stay in the bar until you can!”  This advice is more important today than ever in that there is so much information available from so many different sources and sites and one does not know what is valuable, insightful, misleading, too confusing or just plain wrong!   I just googled the word; RETIREMENT there are Continue reading →